5 Senses
We’ve just recently completed the sermon series, “In the Garden” this past Fall. There were 7 different plants that entered the biblical narrative and were curiously connected to foundational truths.
We learned about sin by studying weeds, salvation through aloe and provision by considering flowers.
The bridging scripture found in Romans 1:20 proves quite helpful,
“For His invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made…”
Jesus implores us to “carefully consider” the ravens of the air and lillies of the field in Luke 12. There is much to be learned by studying what God has made to learn about God the Creator.
Jesus Himself turned to the grapevine in John 15 to make clear what He was teaching in John 14 about the Holy Spirit and staying connected spiritually in His soon to be physical absence.
What if we actually took some time out of our busy day and “carefully considered” creation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Just like trained naturalist spends time and effort observing various plants and animals, …why not do the same with the goal of perceiving more about God? What would we learn about Him? His creativity? Artistry? Order? Relationships?
Take 5 minutes to sit still (or 5 hours on a hike)
And put your 5 senses to work.
What do you smell?