Growing Together

Search above for a specific person or sermon series. Ex. Danny Wallen, Dave Lippman, In the Garden Series, Nourish Series, etc.

2/16/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Resting Place: Living Stones

2/15/2025 NAACP Santa Cruz Presents

Gospel Night!

2/09/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Resting Place:

Heaven’s Coordinates

2/02/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Resting Place: Yoke of Rest

1/26/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Resting Place: Hearing From Heaven

1/19/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman & Guest Brion Burkett

Baby Dedications!

1/12/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Resting Place:

A Resting Place For The Weary

1/5/2025 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Resting Place:


12/29/2024 Guest Jeremy Bouris

Home For The Holidays:

Your Heart Christ’s Home

12/24/2024 Pastor Dave Lippman

Christmas Eve Service

12/22/25 Pastor Dave Lippman

Home For The Holidays:

Make Room

12/15/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Home For The Holidays:

Unexpected Glory

12/8/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Home For The Holidays:

Treasuring The Treasure

12/1/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Home For The Holidays:

Staying Engaged

11/24/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Blessing- Thanksgiving Service

11/17/2024 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Blessing Series: His-Story Keepers

11/10/2024 Pastor Dave Lippman

The Blessing Series- Intro

11/03/2024 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: Entering The Kingdom

10/27/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: The Year of The Lord’s Favor (Part II)

10/20/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: The Year of the Lord’s Favor (Part 1)

10/13/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: Freedom to the Oppressed

10/6/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: Recovery of Sight

9/29/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: Release To Captives

9/22/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: Good News To The Poor

9/15/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: The Spirit Is Upon Us

9/8/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Unlocking The Kingdom: Introducing The Kingdom

9/1/24 Pastor Dave LIppman & Joe Strock

Catching God’s Momentum: Worship Sunday

8/25/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Catching God’s Momentum: Conclusion- A Church In God’s Momentum

8/18/24 Dr. JoAnna Dias

Catching God’s Momentum: Receive The Holy Spirit- First Love

8/11/24 Dr. JoAnna Dias

Catching God’s Momentum: Receive The Holy Spirit- The Pilgrim’s Way

8/4/24 Bob Robertson

Catching God’s Momentum- Why Jesus Crossed The Road

7/28/24 Brion Burkett

Catching God’s Momentum- I Will Follow

7/21/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Catching God’s Momentum- Cultivating A Culture Around The Presence

7/14/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Catching God’s Momentum- Prioritizing the Presence

7/7/24 Brian O’Herin, Wycliffe Bible Translators

Catching God’s Momentum- Acts of The Holy Spirit: 5 Characteristics of the Early Church

6/30/24 Joe Strock, HSCC Worship Director

Catching God’s Momentum- Look Up & Live

6/23/24 Daniel Burchell

Catching God’s Momentum- Preparing For The Wave

6/16/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

Catching God’s Momentum- Introduction

6/9/24 Pastor Dave Lippman & Staff

Grad Sunday-Praise God! Honoring Grads & Teachers

6/2/24 Pastor Dave Lippman & Friends

Dave’s Installation Service As Lead Pastor - Church & Friends Sharing & Blessing this New Season

5/26/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- Times of Refreshing

5/19/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- Pentecost (part II): Nations & Transformation

5/12/24 Pastor Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- A Resting Place, Pentecost (part I): Enthroned

5/5/24 Dr. JoAnna Dias

I Speak Jesus-Actively Waiting: A Resting Place

Dr. JoAnna Dias describes a road map for us in scripture from Acts 1:12-26 for how we can wait on God. The 11 disciples were experiencing a “holy pause” after Judas betrayed Christ. The 11 other disciples had seen all of what Jesus could accomplish, and are expectantly waiting with purpose. We hear and read how they pray, worship, talk to one another in unity, and use their practical process of casting lots for discerning who they need to join them. This shows how we can keep stepping, even if it’s dark, and cling to Christ, as she did as a child clinging to her mom, as they walked in the dark in Mount Hermon to the cabin with no streetlight. We now have the Holy Spirit, and Dr. Dias encourages us that we can trust God is with us, and that He is big enough to handle the twists and turns of life, correct us mid course and make all things good if we earnestly seek Him.

4/28/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- The Ascension

At the end of Luke 24 and in Acts 1: 6-11 Jesus ascends into heaven while the disciples worshiped Him in response and they left with joy! We all search for home, for belonging, “a Kingdom that moth and rust does not destroy.” Dave discusses how God reveals Himself in clouds in both the Old and New Testament, describing a tangible, manifest presence of God. He describes how Jesus is opening their understanding of the events that He already fulfilled, and in that opening is access to Himself.

4/21/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus - An Ordinary Breakfast with Jesus

Dave explores with us Jesus’ encounter with His disciples on the shores of Galilee from John 21:1-19, and how Jesus and Peter interact for the first time since Peter’s denial. Peter and the disciples are fishing. When Peter sees Jesus on the shore. Peter remembers how Jesus said he would meet Him in Galilee after he denied Him 3 times. He leaves their large catch, jumps into the water, and swims to Jesus leaving all the fish behind. It is Peter’s lack and Jesus knowing it, that cause Peter’s hunger.

4/14/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- A Glorious Inheritance

Along the Emmaus Road, after His resurrection, Jesus meets two men who don’t recognize him yet and Jesus asks them questions, before revealing Himself to them. Dave discusses the events from Luke 24:13-48, and how He shares His glory with us.

4/7/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- Receiving The Holy Spirit

Consider the powerful moments and days with Jesus after His resurrection, and that moment immediately after Mary discovers Jesus is alive, when He first appears to all the disciples and breathes on them His Holy Spirit in John 20:19-23. The bible says that the disciples are behind closed doors and have locked them in fear. Jesus comes through the locked door! Jesus reveals Himself, his wounded side and wrists. Dave leads us to think about our own fears and what in our minds of fear is more powerful than God. Jesus has come against that, and says that He gives “divine power to destroy strongholds” in II Corinthians 10:3-5. Jesus is in the midst of that closed door and is ready to reveal Himself. We can pray, “Holy Spirit come and breathe on us again.”

3/31/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- Mary & Jesus

In John 20 Jesus meets Mary Magdalene in a place she least expects it, a tomb, a place of death, and trauma, while it was still dark. Empty places are places we may meet with Jesus as well. In Exodus 25:17-22 the bible explains that on the Ark of the Covenant there are two angels representing the eyes of God, and between the angels is a mercy seat where He meets with us. He provides mercy to us, and comes to us in the places where we don’t want God totally, yet. Jesus had previously cast out 7 demons from Mary and she was completely delivered from all oppression, she had peace, & she had light in her eyes. She chose to follow Jesus and become a disciple alongside Him. Mary walked with Jesus on His journey to the cross. Mary had been there when he suffered and died, and prepared his body for the tomb. She was in a place of deep grief. Jesus speaks her name, “Mary.” He knew her. Mary begins to understand that the One who poured out His mercy is there to pour out a whole new mercy to her in her life, and to us!

3/24/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- Triumphs & Trials

This Palm Sunday, we consider the profound moments of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry, the temple cleansing, and His trials. In the Triumphal Entry people testify to Jesus’ miraculous works! Millions are beginning to rally around Jesus and the power of what God has done, and His Kingdom. Jewish leaders command Jesus to keep them quiet, and Jesus says “If I commanded them to be quiet even the stones would cry out!” Jesus cleansed the Temple on Palm Sunday (Mt 21:1-17), declaring that His House shall be called a “House of Prayer for all the Nations" (Isaiah 56:6-8). His trials and endurance in the days before His cross can become profound revelations of who He really is. Jesus is widening who is allowed in the Covenant. It’s by His wounds we’re healed. It’s by His blood we’re washed clean again. And Jesus’ doors are wide open.

3/17/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- The Betrayal

On the night Jesus was betrayed and arrested, in the midst of intense conflict and abandonment, Jesus reveals His heart and power…Jesus speaks His name, “I AM” and His words knock over hundreds of Roman soldiers. Jesus touches and heals the ear of a wounded enemy (Luke 22:50-51) on the other side of the battle lines. Jesus sees past the division and engages the spiritual battle (see Matthew 26:52-53 and Luke 22:53). Jesus sees things so differently than us. He’s engaged where we shut down. He’s healing where we’d draw a sword. He’s revealing His power and then letting Himself be arrested. Not even His disciples really understood who He was and what He was about until after these moments. And it’s only through His Holy Spirit that we begin to truly see Him as He is. Then and now.

3/10/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus- Gethsemane

We’re not made to handle suffering and sin alone. In Gethsemane, even the three closest to Jesus fell asleep in sorrow (Luke 22:45). The flesh is sleepy. Affected. Real. Our bodies, like the disciples, literally shut us down in the face our own sin and grief, let alone all that Jesus carried in Gethsemane. As the world's suffering, sin, and loss pressed upon him, drops of sweat and blood welled from His skin. Jesus inhaled our most offensive sins. The ones that tear people’s lives apart. The ones you don’t recover from. As if they were His. And He took in our sufferings too. Jesus, hurt. And, just like the disciples, where our bodies and souls are shutting down or falling apart, Jesus alone had the infinite capacity to carry that thing, and all the things, to the Father.

3/3/24 Dave Lippman

I Speak Jesus-Intro

In our I Speak Jesus series, we partner with the passion of the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus and become people who see Jesus so we can speak His life and power into the circumstances around us. 

2/25/24 Nate Gerig

Renewed Into Readiness

Nate Gerig, a passionate and faithful leader, takes us another step in living our Renewal, by preaching a sermon called from Renewal to Readiness. God is beckoning us into gospel fruitfulness by simply responding to the leading and voice of Jesus. Nate speaks from 1 Peter 3:15 which tells us to honor Christ as holy and to be prepared to give a reason for the hope in us, with gentleness and respect.

2/18/24 Daniel Burchell

Sheep, Shepherds & The Supreme Shepherd

Just as God has been doing a renewal work in us, Daniel encouraged us to go deeper into intimacy with Jesus, our Good Shepherd, by hearing His voice (John 10:11-18). Daniel reminded us that Jesus is tending to us, leading us, and tuning us to His voice, which not only reassures us as a flock, but in response to Him, draws us into shepherding in our lives too. Daniel also challenged us to pay attention to how Jesus speaks to us most often. When do you hear His voice? And also to be open to discovering new and unfamiliar ways, too.

2/11/24 Dave Lippman

Living In Renewal

As Dave concludes the Renewal series, he reminds us that Jesus came to deal with our flesh (sin) because we couldn’t do it on our own. Since we are receiving forgiveness we have all we need for renewal of our mind, heart and confidence. In that renewal we can set our mind on the Spirit which give life and peace. The Spirit helps us to renew our heart saying “Let me help you in your weakness.” He even gives life to our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11) as the same Spirit He had in resurrection is coming in us! We are invited (in Romans 8:14-16) to live in this relationship as adopted children.

2/4/24 Dave Lippman

A Renewed Confidence

In Romans 8:31-39 we are assured that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We are justified by His saving grace and confidence is confiding (“with faith”) in God who is for us and not against us.

1/28/24 Dave Lippman

A Renewed Heart

We pressed into the reality of “A Renewed Heart,” focusing on the beautiful picture of the Holy Spirit healing our hearts in Romans 8: 26-27. It’s so encouraging that God’s presence is in our deepest places. Not only does the Holy Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead, live in us (Romans 8:11) but He makes the presence of Jesus real in us by revealing Jesus, dwelling in our heart (Ephesians 3:17). Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, Jesus can begin to press His love and strength into our areas of weakness, unknowing, fear, etc.

1/21/24 Brion Burkett- Guest Speaker

A Renewed Creation

“If creation will be set free from the bondage of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God, is this redemption only reserved for the future? Only for the second coming of Christ? Or is there some access by faith into a "first fruits" of this redemption?” – Pastor Brion

Just like the early church, who continued to testify of Jesus’s reign through the working Holy Spirit, we too must wrestle with, “How much of this Renewal can I experience now?”


1/14/24 Dave Lippman

A Renewed Mind

It’s so easy for us to talk about living-in and struggling with the flesh, but it’s not always easy to describe what it looks like to have our minds “set on the Spirit”…to have Him renew our thoughts, our perspective, our desires. 

- What does that even look like in our world? In your life?

- Can the things that pass through your mind actually be renewed through God’s Spirit?

1/7/24 Dave Lippman

Renewal in the Spirit

As we enter the New Year, we’re diving into what it means to be renewed by God’s Holy Spirit in specific areas of our life. Structured by the Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 8, this challenging and reorienting series will beckon us deeper into the ministry of God’s Presence and love that really does make everything new.

New Year/New Hope-Jeremy Bouris - HSCC Sunday Service 12-31-2023

12/31/24 Jeremy Bouris- Guest Speaker

New Year/New Hope

12/24/23 Dave Lippman

O Holy Night

Advent sermon series in December called The Carols That Made Us!

Like the shows, The Movies/Toys that Made Us, we’ll be exploring not only the origins of some of the classic Christmas carols that we hear through the malls and stores during this season, but also the rich scriptural and theological underpinnings of these lyrics that make Jesus’ arrival so amazing. Be ready for wonder, nostalgia and Jesus!

12/17/23 Todd Trowbridge

I Heard the Bells

Guest Speaker from HSCC, Todd Trowbridge, preaches on the Christmas Story of Jesus’ birth, encouraging us to tell other people what we’ve seen just like the Shepherds did. He talks about seeing God around us, reflecting on our day, like high schoolers did on missions service trips during “After Glow,” looking and searching for the fingerprints of God.

12/10/23 Dave Lippman

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Advent sermon series in December called The Carols That Made Us!

Like the shows, The Movies/Toys that Made Us, we’ll be exploring not only the origins of some of the classic Christmas carols that we hear through the malls and stores during this season, but also the rich scriptural and theological underpinnings of these lyrics that make Jesus’ arrival so amazing. Be ready for wonder, nostalgia and Jesus!

12/3/23 Dave Lippman

Joy to the World

Advent sermon series in December called The Carols That Made Us!

Like the shows, The Movies/Toys that Made Us, we’ll be exploring not only the origins of some of the classic Christmas carols that we hear through the malls and stores during this season, but also the rich scriptural and theological underpinnings of these lyrics that make Jesus’ arrival so amazing. Be ready for wonder, nostalgia and Jesus!

11/26/23 Brion Burkett

God’s First Choice

Guest Speaker, Brion Burkett, challenged us with the profound question, “What is God’s first choice? What is God’s heart and desire for us? For High Street?”

Thanksgiving at High Street!
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Thanksgiving at High Street!

Join us for our special Thanksgiving Service, a time of remembering how we have seen God working this year and worshiping Him together!

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Explore God - How Can I Know God Personally?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God - How Can I Know God Personally?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God- Is The Bible Reliable?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God- Is The Bible Reliable?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God -  Why Pray?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God - Why Pray?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God -  Is Jesus Really God?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God - Is Jesus Really God?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God- Is Christianity Too Narrow?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God- Is Christianity Too Narrow?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God - Why Does God Allow Suffering & Injustice?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God - Why Does God Allow Suffering & Injustice?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God - Is There A God?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God - Is There A God?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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Explore God - Does Life Have A Purpose?
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

Explore God - Does Life Have A Purpose?

Pastor Dave discusses the 7 Big Questions we all have about God, faith and purpose in this 7 week Explore God Sermon series. Questions like “Does Life Have A Purpose?” and “Is There A God?” and “Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering?” Explore God with us!

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March In The Kingdom
Dave Lippman Dave Lippman

March In The Kingdom

Pastor Dave continues the series, March In The Kingdom!

Coming out of our We Still Believe series, we were stirred to consider the Rule and Reign of God that Jesus teaches so often about as the Kingdom of God. When Jesus teaches us to believe in and pray for the Kingdom of God to come, what we're asking is that all of God's power and love that is fully active in Heaven--God on the throne and God living and moving through His people and creation--would come powerfully and shift how we move, think, grow, and pray on earth now, in our present moments. Instead of studying the Kingdom conceptually, we'll be studying stories and encounters of Jesus where the Kingdom of God is made real to those in scripture--and pray that those moments awaken us to the power of His kingdom in our own lives. So join us in March for this unique time to study Jesus' ministry and how the Kingdom of God can and is moving among us.

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