
As we are now in the midst of the holiday season, I want to encourage you to remember and practice healthy rhythm of life.

God made us in a way that we need to receive first and then give away.

Of course we find creative ways to mess that up, usually by giving away too much or holding on to too much.

The uniqueness of this season can really accentuate that pressure to fall out of God’s intended healthy rhythm of living.

  • Are you feeling the strain of too many obligations (even really good ones!)??

  • Are you focused on your needs to the point of not seeing others?

  • Do you feel acutely aware of the many problems going on in the world, our community and those closest to you?

  • Are you feeling uninspired to do much of anything?

  • Lost hope?


Actually taking in oxygen is a great first step.

Then as you pause in that physical reset it is appropriate to pause in your discouragement or anxiety.

Breathe in the Lord’s presence in your life.

Maybe breathe in some quiet solitude somewhere, somehow.

Breathe in a social activity or service project.

Breathe in some worship music or an artist’s work.

I don’t know whether you’re in need of receiving or exhaling, but the Lord does.

Ask Him to guide you into green pastures or reveal His presence as you walk through the valley of death.



What is Hope Made Real?


Happy Holy Days