EDGE & OASIS March Newsletter
Hello everyone!
Just checking in here with the March calendar and important updates for Edge and Oasis!
We are still continuing to meet outdoors for youth group; however, we are now allowed to go indoors at 25% capacity so we may go inside on colder nights for the small group portion of the night. With masks and practicing proper distancing. If you recall, we had purchased a big canopy to meet under at the start of the year, and It got destroyed by a big wind storm before we even got to use it. We have been extremely blessed by an anonymous donor that gave funds to the youth program to replace the tent, as well as extra funds to make sure it is secured properly. We are very grateful for this and are working on figuring out a new secure location before we set it up. We will be looking forward to having this to meet in soon! Until then, if the weather is too brutal to be outside, we will make a decision in the morning of the day of youth group to switch to Zoom which goes from 7:00-8:00PM. Students will be contacted to be aware of this change. Also, our instagram is a great place to find these updates @highstreetyouthcrew.
Some more exciting news is that we are going to Kidder Creek Camp this summer with Oasis! While many summer camps remain closed this summer, Kidder Creek is able to open up due to the fact that the entire program is outdoors. This trip will be for both boys and girls, including incoming high schoolers. I have signed us up for a week long backpacking and white water rafting excursion from July 25th-31st. Among these adventures we will also be doing devotionals, small groups, and prayer time in the wilderness. I believe this will be a much needed breath of fresh air for the students. I hope that by this time, we can all ride in the church van to camp, but something to keep in mind is that parents may need to drive students there themselves if we are unable to go in the van. Kidder Creek is about 6 hours north of Santa Cruz. I will be receiving our contract soon for the week, which will tell me the price per student. Please keep in mind that we never want finances to be a reason a student misses a trip, with that said we often have scholarships available to those who need them. I will have more info on this soon, but please let me know if you have any questions! Here is a link to the camp’s website so you can find more info about it: https://kiddercreek.mounthermon.org
Bagels is happening in person, outdoors, every Sunday right after church from 11:00-12:00. Masks are required, we provide donuts or bagels, as well as great conversation! We have offered to setup students on Zoom who don’t feel comfortable coming in person. No one has taken us up on that offer, but the offer still stands. Please tell your child/children to let us know if they plan to attend via zoom.
Homework Hangouts are still happening as well! Every Monday from 3:00-5:00pm. This group meets indoors with a space for doing homework/studying as well as a space to play games with friends.
Edge Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88318383869?pwd=MWYyN0VvckNGQU1HNEdaOTMyMExmQT09
Meeting ID: 883 1838 3869
Passcode: EDGECREW
Oasis Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81656379268?pwd=K2M5QmdrV0NHMlg4QnlodzhqYVFWUT09
Meeting ID: 816 5637 9268
Bagels Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81656379268?pwd=K2M5QmdrV0NHMlg4QnlodzhqYVFWUT09
Meeting ID: 816 5637 9268
Please take a look at the calendar for more info, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!