Good Stewards
This past Sunday, Danny preached about what it means to be good stewards of the earth. It is quite evident in many ways that humans have not done the best job at that over the years, but this is God’s creation we’re talking about - He has left us with a great responsibility to cherish it and treat it with care!
While the topic of what it looks like to care for the earth can be a bit of a divisive and political issue at times, we can all agree on different ways that we most definitely have messed this responsibility up at times. This also means we can agree that there’s things each of us can do to make a difference!
In our “Bagels” small group on Sunday with the junior high and high schoolers, we discussed tangible ways of taking care of God’s creation in our everyday lives. We all agreed that each of us could do a better job, but it was encouraging to hear that everyone is mindful of it in their own way and takes responsibility.
The youth get the importance and are clearly motivated to make important changes.
In fact, they are so motivated to take care of God’s creation that they asked if we could do a beach cleanup together.
So what did we do this past Wednesday?
Exactly that!
We go together by the Santa Cruz Wharf and picked up trash on the surrounding beaches. We were pleased by the lack of trash that was on the beaches, but we were able to pick up at least a couple hundred small pieces of trash which is amazing! Believe it or not, we even had fun doing it together as well. I was very proud to see that this was something so many of them wanted to participate in.
I hope this encourages others to ask the same questions of
“What can I do?”
“How can I do my best to take care of God’s creation?”