5 Sabbath Secrets For Flourishing
How do we enter into the rest that Jesus gives? Are you experiencing rest right now?
In our society, there is an unsaid expectation for more, and thinking we’ll get more done, but not only is that misleading, but living this way leaves us deeply unsatisfied.
Watch last Sunday’s sermon, “The Yoke of Rest” from our series, the Resting Place
The question isn’t just “Where do I find a slower pace?” though that’s helpful, the deeper question is “Where do I find my peace, shalom, or wholeness, amid the normal, ordinary demands of my life?”
We tend to find ourselves looking for techniques or gurus to lead us to these places. And that’s not bad.
But below you’ll see that the bible reveals five powerful secrets for finding a deep Sabbath rest in your life. For it’s only in abiding in your relationship with God that your heart will be whole.
There’s much to ponder in the five secrets below. Take a moment to consider just one.
Which one stands out for you?
Each secret also provides a worship song below for you to spend a moment, resting there with Jesus.
Five secrets of Sabbath rest:
Original Sabbath was about creating a space to realign and remember our original design. Sabbath is revisiting our Eden-like relationship with God. It is re-engaging the shalom for which God designs His creatures.
-Worship song: Shalom by Bridge Worship
Original Sabbath rest was about God, and His rule in and through humanity. It was also about our Eden rest, because God was at the helm of His completed creation! Sabbath is allowing God to rule and reign in our current moment.
-Worship song: Slower I Go by SEU Worship
The Sabbath has shifted from the Old Testament legal requirement of honoring God, so don’t try to guilt yourself into rest.
-Worship Song: Kind by Amanda Cook
The Sabbath in the New Testament is not simply a practice but a mode of relating, and it is marking your life, your lifestyle, and your core motives.
-Worship song: Known By You by Gateway Worship
Sabbath rest was originally in a temple, the sacred space of God’s presence, and now through Jesus, you are the temple of God.
-Worship Song: Inhabit by Austin Johnson
This Sunday we’ll be studying what Jesus provides as our “Resting Place,” and will consider where His presence is now, in a sermon titled “Heaven’s Coordinates.”
See you Sunday!
Pastor Dave