Peace & Vision
This past Sunday we considered the real “Peace” that Jesus brought when He came to earth as announced by the Angels.
We discovered that He left us His peace through the sending of the Holy Spirit we have with us now all the time.
Remember the Scripture we ended with to keep this all practical?
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7
We also heard a wonderful prayer brought to us by Ivy Lee as her family led us through the Advent reading and candle lighting.
I asked her to share it with me so I could put it into the all church email.
Please take some time to sit in the beautiful, fitting prayer this week.
Here is the prayer about peace adapted from a Puritan prayer from The Valley of Vision.
O God, most high, most glorious, the thought of Your infinite serenity cheers me,
For I am toiling and struggling, troubled and distressed, but You are forever at perfect peace.
You bring order out of confusion, and my defeats are Your victories.
I come to You as a sinner with cares and sorrows, to leave every concern entirely to You, every sin calling for Christ's precious blood;
Revive a fervent love for you in my heart;
Let me live near to the great Shepherd, hear His voice, know its tones, follow its calls.
Keep me from deception by causing me to abide in the truth.
Keep me from harm by helping me to walk in the power of the Spirit.
Lord, help me, for I am often lukewarm and chill;
Unbelief mars my confidence; sin makes me forget You.
Let the weeds that grow in my soul be cut at their roots;
Grant me to know that I truly live only when I live to You, that all else is unimportant.
Your presence alone can make me holy, devout, strong, and at peace. Abide in me, gracious God.