What an Easter!
Can you believe it’s almost Easter Sunday already?
I don’t know about you, but for me this year feels like it is flying by and in the midst of our busy life, this week we have a holiday (a holy-day) set apart for us to pause and consider the mighty power of Jesus’ love shown for us 2,000 years ago on a cross.
We sometimes forget that this symbol of wood and nails was once, at the height of Roman power, a torture device, created to cause pain, death, condemnation, and public shame. And it’s only by the powerful love of God that an instrument of death becomes the most potent force of life we know.
The punishment that was meant for us fell upon Him. And now the cross—Jesus’ grief and separation from God—is the foremost symbol of victory, love, and worship in our Christian journey.
This is our God. He loves us that much.
This is Jesus. He loves us that much.
Who wouldn’t want to know this?!?
Well, this Sunday, we have an opportunity to gather together and worship Jesus and celebrate His unconquerable Life. What a gift!
AND, this is a perfect Sunday to invite friends or family to get a taste of this divine relationship we now share with God our Father.
Designed by Ivy Lee from HSCC!
In addition to a stellar worship service at 9:30am, we’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt for families at 11am with cake and goodies for adults too!
We’re anticipating some local westside families joining for this event, so make sure to take time to connect with them, learn their names, give them a flavor of how God works at HSCC :)
Also, in the coming weeks you may notice that we’re using a new email platform. This is an intentional move to shift our administrative duties from the email toward church growth and outreach. This also means limiting the frequency or length of these emails in the months ahead. So if you don’t see a weekly email, don’t worry, it’s likely because there’s nothing new to announce that week. :)
And if you’re curious where the ministries section went in the all-church email, there will be a link in the bottom of the all-church email that takes folks straight to our ministries page on the HSCC website. Make sure to forward our emails to family and friends who might need encouragement or connection.
Okay, on Sunday, come excited and hungry, be praying as the Holy Spirit continues to lead us in Jesus 1.0—remembering that our Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.
“For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.”