A Sense of Completion
Dear HSCC Family,
As most of you know by now I shared with the congregation during the Church Life meeting that Maria and I feel that my time as the Lead Pastor is coming to a completion. We have been discussing this for about 3 months with the Pastoral Leadership Team and taking steps forward in discerning the Lord’s will for our church and my future ministry. We are looking at finishing in September or the end of this year, depending on what is best for me and/or the church.
I was so grateful for the gracious outpouring of care by our church during this meeting as we were encouraged, prayed for and joined in our journey of “what’s next”. Thank you, that was very humbling. I’m so grateful to be able to be honest with our church to share our joys, frustrations, questions and hopes in a transparent way.
Please pray for our church, our leadership, the next leader, Maria/I, the whole process ...and ultimately seek out Gods direction, protection and provision. He’s our Good Shepherd.
If, and as you have questions, thoughts or feelings you’d like share with me or the Pastoral Leadership Team (PLT), don’t hesitate! We are in this together as we follow the Lord.
As I shared in the meeting, there are no hidden reasons why we feel it is time to move forward from this role. We also hope to stay at HSCC in the future as our home church if that is beneficial for all. I am interested and hopeful for the future of our church. I believe we are positioned well to continue forward in health and growth.
Pastor Danny