In the Beginning (aka. Alpha)
Can you believe our Alpha Kick-Off is this Sunday at 5:30pm?!
We’ve done a lot of prep and praying for Alpha this Spring,
See below for a few answers to questions I’ve heard floating around…
How can I share about Alpha?
Download Alpha Flyers to Print - Click Here
Drop flyers off in your neighborhood
Or hand them to friends
Flyers are available in HSCC office, Narthex, or print at home with the link to the right (or click here)
Take a step to share with the 3 people you’ve been praying over for the 21-day Prayer Campaign.
As simple as texting or calling and saying….
“Hey, I’ve been thinking/praying for you recently. How are things been going?”
And, “BTW, we’re actually having a session this Sunday night to talk about life, faith, and meaning—would you be interested in coming? Dinner is provided :)”
Social Media
Comment on our online posts on Facebook or Nextdoor OR share these posts on your Facbook or Nextdoor pages
Facebook Event – click here, then click share!
Nextdoor Event – click here, then click share!
Share a video on Social Media (click here to download)
Individually message friends on Facebook or Nextdoor to point them to Alpha.
Use the links above to do so
Alpha is a 7-week course that outreaches to the community by creating conversational bridges around food, video teaching, and table discussion. This Sunday is the Kick-Off, woo-hoo!
Food creates space to build relationships. The food is the first step to creating meaningful connections and friendship with real people from outside the 4 walls of the church building. Yum!
Video Teaching
The video teaching raises relevant questions around life, meaning, and faith, and creates a natural framework for jumping into group conversations.
Table Discussions
The table discussions lead with a respect for one another’s viewpoints, where an individual can share honest thoughts and opinions without judgement, the group can allow the conversation to flow, and, instead of dolling out answers, we’ll build friendships.
Our Alpha at HSCC is facilitated by 3 teams, the table leaders who facilitate the discussions, the cooks who make the yummy food, and the hosts who help set up, welcome and shape the tone of folks first experience at Alpha. Please reach out if you’re interested in volunteering (
I’ve asked myself the same question (and heard it from you too). There’s a variety of ways that people come to an Alpha course, but the most strategic route is YOU.
Of course, we’re strongly relying on PRAYER (trusting God to work, as Jesus prays in Luke 11:02, “Your Kingdom Come”)
And relying on YOU – or more clearly, the organic relationships that each of us have (could be anyone from a work associate, to a neighbor, to hair stylists, to grocery store clerks, to dear friends, etc). If you invite someone, then you should also plan to attend with them.
We’re using print, flyers, and social media too, but things like Jesus spread the fastest by word of mouth.
So who might God be putting on your heart this week to invite?
We asking you to take a deep breath and ask someone to come this Sunday at 5:30pm
Jesus, our example, didn’t always follow the train of logic that the society or the religious institutions would have suggested.
He walked with people. He asked questions. He taught. He did miracles. He told stories. He debriefed. There was always a mix of teaching and acting—but both were done in relationship.
And the most transformative relationships (with the disciples) he built over three years of life on life. When the Holy Spirit came, those relationships changed the world.
At Alpha, we’ll let the answers other’s carry come up to the surface in the honest conversations. In that space, we’ll literally care about who they are, how they were shaped, what they believe, and see what God might do with those relationships.
Our prayer and trust is in God’s love and power to work, not on our own. We’re not trying to change people into our image, but through our actions and words, reveal the God that already loves and gave Himself for them. He’s already at work. We just get to be one step in that process.
And, if people are interested, they’re welcome to join on Sundays and learn more about God, scripture, and all that Jesus has done to love His world.