Christmas Connections
I’d like to share a story that I believe will encourage you today.
I was over at Edd and Linda Breeden’s home today when we had an interesting opportunity to share the Lord’s love in a unique and powerful way. As I was in deep conversation with Edd, while Linda was handing out cookies to a worker servicing their furnace, water heater, and a doing a general home inspection.
While it is no surprise that Linda was handing out cookies (her counter was completely covered in BOXES of home made cookies to be delivered that day). I watched and participated in something that can only be credited to the Lord.
This worker was thanking Linda for the cookies and shared how grateful she was to receive and enjoy them and also to share with her co-workers back at the workshop. She then took a risk—and asked for prayer for a trajedy in her extended family. She felt safe to get personal with a customer.
We sprung into action and prayed for, listened to and comforted as much as we could.
Our hearts were both enlarged at the chance to care for someone in distress and equally devastated to hear of and see the pain and sorrow. It is both a privilege to share God’s love and weighty to experience grief and sadness.
While I was humbled to be a part of that holy experience, I wondered at the foundation that Linda and Edd have cultivated in their home over the years.
It is a place of warmth and safety. Not a perfect home, but one where the Lord is honored and lived for. They live their lives with open hands, open hearts and an open door. That is sharing God’s love with people.
Keep your hearts, eyes and homes open for the needy. God has prepared good works for you to walk in.
Let’s do the “little things” like baking cookies and friendly conversations, knowing those are doorways into bigger things like prayer, comfort, acts of service and encouragement. We don’t have to look far for people that are tired, confused and even desperate. We don’t even have to have all the answers, resources and reactions…we just share what God has given to us and point them to the Lord, the Good Shepherd who provides, guides and protects.
I watched many do this last night as we visited homes singing Christmas carols. Genuine care through gifts, listening and prayers. And the singing wasn’t half bad! :)
What divine experiences have you had this week that were put together by God?