Wonders of Christmas at HSCC
I want to take the opportunity to say “great job” for last Sunday. While it might not have been apparent to you, a number of things happened that need to be recognized.
During last week’s staff meeting Joe Strock and I realized that neither of us were doing anything “up front” on Sunday. We were both coaching from the sidelines. As you know, he and I normally lead the majority of each service through teaching and worship leading.
Joe supported the large group of musicians and singers as they led us through a number of festive, traditional songs. Thanks to all who served, in such a variety of roles. It isn’t easy to come together like that with so many moving pieces. I know Joe felt great with how it all turned out.
Dave did a solid job of teaching on Joy in the Advent season, bringing some unique insights to life from the Scriptures.
I also enjoyed being led by Todd Trowbridge as the service host…his pastoral gifts just leaking out all over the place. :)
The part that encouraged me the most was not how well the service went…but that efforts are being made to welcome people into our church community. I loved that a flyer was made and handed out. I was able to invite a person I met a few weeks ago down at the lighthouse.
I have noticed a number of you quietly inviting people to church and walking with them through the scary process of experiencing a new church.
One newer person said at our Thanksgiving service that our church “was not what she expected”—meant in a good way.
You’re praying for your “oikos” lists, helping lemonade stands, sending Christmas boxes, donating socks and probably tons more that I don’t know about.
We are far from a perfect church, but I sincerely believe God has given us what people long for and need.
We have a church that honors, follows and loves the Lord. We work at loving each other and those around us and are willing to try and share beyond ourselves.
Advent is showing us that God does the unexpected, I believe He has more “unexpected” blessings and callings in our future.
Let’s keep following in faith together.