Grab a Deacon!
Did you know that each year we have a dinner for the Deacons as a way to wrap up their year of service?
We weren’t able to do it last year, but we are looking forward to celebrating next Tuesday night in our home. We enjoy a good meal (potluck style), some fun memories and simply spend time together NOT working. :)
We often affirm those completing their time of service as a way to cap off the night. It is a special, holy time together.
Have you thanked your Deacons lately?
Can I encourage you to write them a quick note, or tap them on the shoulder and express a few sentences of appreciation? They’d never ask for it themselves, but I doubt any of them would turn it down, and we all need encouragement, don’t we?
This year has continued to be a difficult one, especially in leadership.
This team has navigated issues with our facility, bylaws, budgets and opportunities. They have worked as liaisons to various ministries and staffers and faithfully met throughout the year. They’ve prayed for our church, one another and our community. Most of their service goes unnoticed.
Here’s the names of those you can appreciate.
Rob Wyland
Linda Breeden
Jennifer Chern
Shelley Durbin
Cori Burt
Janelle Holbrook.
I Timothy 3:13 says
““For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus”. ”
The Lord gives those things, lets add to their blessing.
Hunt down a few Deacons this Sunday or next and express your gratitude. I dare you!