Invisible Person
As we continue on in our “Summer in the Spirit” series I want to make sure we don’t miss the most basic and the most important truth—the Holy Spirit is a person (not human, but a distinct entity). The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing (an it), a force or some energy…but a person, a member of the Trinity.
The disciples, and early followers were in the Upper Room waiting for a person, the Spirit of Jesus. They experienced wind, tongues of fire resting on each person yes, but these were manifestations of the person of the Holy Spirit. Remember we wait for God, not so much the effects of God.
And when we do see the miracles of God, let’s be careful not to celebrate the miracles themselves but the Giver of the miracle! Jesus was always so careful to downplay the flash and celebrate His good Father. He pointed to the coming of the Spirit, and how the disciples would never be alone.
As you go through day after day let’s remember we are offered life WITH God.
When you are feeling discouraged, defeated or depressed, remember you are not alone.
When you are feeling important, successful and blessed, remember you are not alone—that the Lord is behind all we have and can do.
Jesus lived this way and invites us to do the same.
The Holy Spirit is God With us, the person and presence of God Himself.
He has so much to offer us as a helper, counselor and fruit-bearer. He empowers us, convicts, teaches and directs us.
Need healing? Just ask.
Lastly, the Spirit is overflowing, so be sure to share His light with those that God puts in your life.
May we enjoy this “Summer in the Spirit”.