Dear High Street Family,

Here we are, Christmas is waiting in the wings, just a few days away! I don’t know about you, but I can hardly believe it’s December 21st. Like me, you may find the season of December slipping quickly by. With all the festivities, gifts, family, celebrations, plus life’s usual demands…where do we find that solace and peace that Christmastime promises?

We see commercials of houses glittering with snow, their homes filled with a warm glow and piping hot food. We hear jovial songs and see the world around us decked with lights and decorations.

And yet, when, in the midst of all this, have we really met with Jesus?

Where have you noticed Him this season?

Personally, I really enjoy all the fun and excitement around Christmas, but it can be hard to take that deep breath and slow down our minds enough to receive from Him.

In our first sermon from The Carols that Made Us series, we remembered that, “the Lord is come,” means Jesus has arrived as a baby and that Jesus will return as the Ruler of all, but it’s more than that… While these past and future realities are anchors for our journey with Jesus, most importantly, these invite us…

To enter into Jesus’ presence with us now. Jesus isn’t just in the past, He’s not just in our future…

But He is right here, now. Now is the time for us “To receive our King.”  

Watch The Carols that Made Us sermon on Joy to the World here

The message of Christmas is that Jesus broke the barrier between us and God forever. With all the songs of Christmas, the manger, the nativity, the point is that…

Heaven is open.

The King is here.

The Lord is come.

He’s made His love, presence, peace, and power available to me.

“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman…”

And why did Jesus come as a child? So…

“That we might receive the adoption as sons and daughters. Because [of this] God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

“Therefore you are no longer a slave [to sin or fear], but a son or daughter; and if a son or daughter, then an heir through God, (Galatians 4:4-7 NASB).”

“He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, (John 1:11-12, NASB)

And we can come to Him, rest with Him, kneel before Him. Being with Him shifts us. Readjusts our priorities. Reminds us of our identity. Calms our anxieties. Right now is that moment. “Every heart can prepare him room.”

The Kingship of Jesus is something that brings freedom with it. Even as a baby, His arrival changes everything. And when we stop ourselves long enough to recognize His presence with us, we can receive the Words from His Holy Spirit speaking to us. His presence is power, and His power can release us from fears and sins, and bring us into true rest.

Let’s not get so distracted by the demands of Christmas day that we miss the significance of His presence with us now. This One who comes to us, Jesus, Emmanuel, is God-with-us now.

If you need a moment to slow down, watch this brief 5-minute video nativity reflection, “On This Night”, and lean-into Jesus’s arrival to you this season.

Where is Jesus’s presence right now as you read?

When have you connected with Him today?

He’s made Himself available, God-with-us, what would it look like to be with Him now?

It’s not just about that sacred 25th, He’s actually here on the 24th, the 23rd, the 22nd, and yes, today, on the 21st. Amen. Well, I’m excited to celebrate Jesus with you at our Christmas Eve morning service, at 9:30am—a wonderful way to connect with our church family.

Please invite friends, family, and neighbors to this time of celebration. 

We’ll dive into the last carol in our Christmas series, O Holy Night, and before all the festivities and feasting, we'll to turn our attention to the King who is here with us. 

See you Christmas Eve,

Pastor Dave


You're Here-Francesca Battistelli - Mary & Jesus Christmas Music Video -This calming music video, combined with beautiful scenes from The Nativity Story movie will help to sooth your busy soul, relax amid anxieties, and turn your heart to the One who is with You, and create a moment to receive. Take a listen and rest for a while with Jesus. 

"On This Night" Modernized Nativity – Video – Check out this amazing short film called "On This Night" that modernizes the story of the nativity and experience afresh what it would mean for Jesus to come to us, to you and to me. And take a moment to worship and rest this Christmas season.

House of Prayer Christmas Playlist – If you need songs of worship that lead you to Jesus this Christmas season, then check out our House of Prayer Christmas Playlist--hours of curated Christmas worship. Allow the worshipful posture of Christmas Carols lead you closer to Jesus. You can press shuffle and welcome a variety of worship leaders guiding you to the manger-throne through the songs of the season.

Manger-Throne Phil Wickham – Video – This song has been our anthem over this Christmas season during The Carols that Made Us series. The lyrics are so powerful and it centers on Jesus choosing to come as a King in a manger, take a moment to listen and receive.


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