Let’s Bring Jesus
Dear HSCC,
As we continue in our “Meals with Jesus” series, I’d like to make a few observations and encouragements. Sort of like a half-time speech from your coach.
1. Meals together involve our whole person. We see this happening in each story in Luke and we see it in our own experience week after week. Frank Trowbridge mentioned he remembers each sermon better because we had food and were interactive…compared to a normal Sunday worship service. We learn better when we involve our different senses, our emotions/will/mind, and interact with other people around tables. Meals are a wonderful context for Spiritual Formation. Lean into this.
2. Meals are one of the best ways that Jesus brings reconciliation. Conflict can be melted into peace, tension into laughter and joy. Eating together was a method of reconciliation in Jesus’ day, He just enhanced it, capitalized on it. As we eat together, or with our neighbors outside of church, we initiate reconciliation toward one another, and likely help with reconciliation to God. Jesus deeply desires all people to be made right with God, both in a moment and for a lifetime.
3. Meals together spark the life abundant Jesus offers.. Do you see how many people are staying after church to just be together? Conversation is buzzing, people are praying, laughter is present. We have had those things for years at HSCC, they just seem even more present as we gather around tables, enjoy food, teaching, worship and experience the Lord’s presence.
4. Let’s take what we have and share this with others. Let’s bring it into the next chapter of our church as we prepare to welcome a new Lead Pastor. Let’s bring it back into our homes as we offer hospitality and endeavor to love our families well. Let’s bring it to our neighborhood, work place, and as we go here and there. Let’s bring Jesus.
Pastor Danny