Edge & Oasis Parents & Students
Edge & Oasis
Wow, it sure has been a while since I (Drew) have talked with some of you. The past several months have held great challenges for all of us in many different ways, but it’s been great to see our community stay connected even just through zoom, and I’m so glad that we have been able to connect with your kids in that way as much as possible too.
Although zoom has been an incredible tool, most of your kids are spending their days on zoom for school and we don’t want to add to that! So I wanted to update you all on our plans for Edge and Oasis as of now.
Attached below is a calendar for September. You’ll see we are doing movie nights on the 11th and 12th. Those will be outdoors by the front parking lot at the church. After that, we will start meeting like normal on tuesday and wednesday nights from 7:00-9:00, only we will be doing all of youth group outdoors at the church. That is one way we are trying to be proactive in minimizing the spread of germs.
High Street Church has developed a thorough plan and protocols for group settings like this to be as safe and mindful as possible in terms of preventing the spread of germs and maintaining physical distancing. Below I have listed some of those protocols:
All gatherings are held outside for now
Masks are required
Hand sanitizer is available upon arrival
Each student must have their parent/guardian sign a waiver for the first gathering that they attend. After signing the first time, they only need to fill out the health screening questionnaire before attending any gatherings after their first. Here is the link for that:
Youth group will look a little bit different for now, but our hope is that we can use this time to grow closer to one another and be able to encourage each other even if we’re 6 ft. away! Let me know if you have any questions or anything!
Thank you,
Drew Loring
High Street Community Church
Youth Director