Surprise: Encouragement!
I had the pleasure of playing golf on my day off this week with longtime HSCC member Dick Mills and friend Ron Demolar (a former boss of mine and mentor) down in Watsonville.
We had a great time (Dick played far better than Ron and I) together joking around, trying our best at this challenging game and enjoying the beautiful scenery. A group of them have played together for years.
At one point Dick mentioned that one of the biggest churches in America, Saddleback Church, is going through the book of Nehemiah now also.
Pastor Rick Warren is a gifted communicator/leader and has influenced many to trust Jesus, led effective ministries and been a coach to many.
Dick shared one of his Nehemiah sermons on YouTube, on part of Chapter 4, our message for this coming Sunday.
It was excellent! I’d really encourage you to click the link, watch it and be encouraged.
Later in the round, I was also able to share some personal struggles, questions, and ideas with Ron. He’s been a faithful man of prayer, encouragement, and wisdom in my life for more than 30 years. What a gift.
Ron questioned some of my viewpoints, validated others and clarified some of God’s work in my life over the years. And through this, I gained perspective.
Who are you listening to?
Who is sending you podcasts, bible verses or even funny jokes?
Who are you sharing hope with?
Sending valuable insights? Calling to check in?
We all get discouraged. We all lose perspective at times.
We also all have the capacity (and command) to encourage one another.
-Pastor Danny
We all get discouraged. We all lose perspective at times. We also all have the capacity (and command) to encourage one another.
I’ve only listed a few instances that came to mind from my life this week.
What comes to mind for you? Did you receive some helpful words or resources from someone?
There’s still time left in this week to offer encouragement to someone else. Who comes to mind? Do it!
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. ”