Through the Highs and Lows
Our daughter Sierra’s wedding to Elias Campbell
As I shared this past Sunday, the last few weeks of May were quite a whirlwind for me personally.
I experienced the highpoint of our daughter Sierra’s wedding to Elias Campbell.
The week before I endured the low point of losing my close friend Jim Toole to cancer.
In addition to those pivotal events I was busy speaking, counseling, and leading in a variety of contexts.
And it's no surprise that I’m feeling depleted.
How are you feeling these days? There’s an excitement to regathering and reopening our state and county.
There’s also the lingering weight of what we have been through this past year…some of it uniquely challenging and many have shared some powerful unexpected blessings.
My close friend friend group with Jim Toole, ignore that goof in the blue t-shirt!
Both the highs and lows can really take it out of you.
This is where “Fortified” comes in. Our new series is both a daunting challenge and perhaps an unexpected boost.
The word fortified means to strengthen and secure.
Athletes fortify their workouts and rest with meals and special nutritional options.
People and organizations can be fortified by prayer—made strong through the Lord.
Food can even be upgraded or "fortified" by adding vitamins and minerals.
God wants and provides for our health and wholeness by fortifying us with missing ingredients, building us up in Him and securing us in Christ.
In fact being “in Christ” is to be completely fortified.
I hope you’re praying and preparing expectantly as we gather as the church to be fortified by God. Let’s learn from Nehemiah and his story in this time of depletion and prime opportunity for growth as we emerge out of the pandemic.
I’m looking forward to being built up personally by the Lord this summer as well as our church growing forward.
As my friend Jim taught on the fundamentals last week, “it starts on our knees”.
Will you commit to pray for HSCC to be Fortified by God this summer?
And join us on Sundays in-person or online to discover more of all that God is doing at HSCC!