We’ re Still Singing After our Special Service
“Express your joy in singing among yourselves psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making music in your hearts for the ears of God!”
Ephesians 5:19 (PHILLIPS Translation)
I’m still savoring our holy gathering at last Sunday’s worship service, “Songs and Stories”. It was a beautiful time of testimonies, amazing worship and a strong sense of God’s presence. If you missed it, click below to experience or share the service with others.
Many have shared with me their appreciation and connection to that special time.
The diversity in our staff was evident as well as the Lord’s work in our lives and ministries.
The beautiful harmonies, skillful playing and professional quality sound/slide work all came together as an offering to the Lord. Well done team.
My hope was that we’d not only be encouraged and challenged by the service, but also sparked to participate in future iterations of “Songs and Stories”. I’d love for us to make it a regular habit going forward.
Do you have a song and story that you’d be willing to share with our church family? I bet you do.
We’d love to coach you through the process of discerning a song, shaping your story and finding a time to share. Email our worship director, Joe Strock here to start that process.
Blessings as you live life this week with Jesus and the rest of us.