Dear HSCC Family,

We’ve had an event filled Summer at HSCC so far and this past Sunday was no exception.  If we had a security camera mounted somewhere here’s what we would have seen… 
(ps—don’t tell the robbers we don’t have cameras)

Starting at 7:30am,
Maria and I arrived to set up the Seder Meal in the ACE.   Joe, Simon and Eugenio practiced and set up for the worship serviceJason the service host and tech lead was bopping around too.  Yvette and Ken set up the Narthex coffee, Linda began praying over the sanctuaryNick and Sharon were greeting and we began the service on time at 9:30.

After the
worship leading by Joe, hosting by Jason and a message on the Last Supperwe dashed into the ACE for a few stories by Brian MartinHe then led us through the specifics of the Passover Meal in a meaningful time of connection with each other and the centuries old tradition of eating lamb, unleavened bread, tasty paste, an egg etc… We wrapped up and immediately began set up for the wedding and receptionwith DJ Todd in the ACE patio and decorations popping up around the dance floor.

The 2:30
wedding was well attended with a sense of expectancy.  It was fun, prayerful, emotional and sacred.  Dave, Daniel and the Lee kids (flower girls and ring bearer) did a great job of showing our love for Zionne and Gabe as essential partners in the HSCC faith community. 

After the wedding there was conversations on the lawn, a parade to the park, meal, dancing, celebrating, kind words and more celebrating.  This went on for hours and some of the last people didn’t leave until early in the morning.  What a day!

A church isn’t a building or facility, it is the people embraced and empowered by God.  Our church facility was well used…and I can say the same for our people.  Exhale now and take a break.  We will see you this coming Sunday, but there won’t be any need to bring food, or programs to plan.  Just bring yourself, a friend and lets rest together as we worship and learn more about Jesus and His mission for us.

Pastor Danny


The Final Banquet: Jesus is Calling


Seder, Supper, & Service