Fruits and Nuts…and Courage
As we gathered around a small table surrounded by deck furniture, there was a sense of anticipation in the air. Our staff team was settling in for our weekly staff meeting and I was to supply the snack and devotional input…
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing”.
I Thessalonians 5:11.
I had just returned from Costco, so I put out a bag of apples, bunch of bananas, giant container of “mixed nuts” and various fruit flavored “spicy water” (carbonated).
The challenge from scripture was simple—encourage one another as first I Thessalonians 5:11 directs us to do not just as a staff, but as believers!
I just added a fun twist…"use one of the fruits/nuts to connect with your words for the person.”
We laughed at corny jokes connecting banana peels, cashew nuts, apple cores and life giving water…each tied to encouraging character traits for the person in the “hot seat.”
The words of encouragement came easy as we’ve seen God work through each of us in various ministry contexts and life situations.
What was surprising? The aftermath:
I know I felt more bold to lean into who God has made me, as did others. When God’s truth is called out in you and others, we seem relieved of lies and released from negativity. In other words, we were now much more fearless…yes-- full of courage.
Sometimes we don’t realize our “courage tank” needs filling by one another.
Who can you "en-courage” today?
The cost to you is small, yet the benefit to each other is enormous.