How do I love Thee?
Dear Church,
What a great time we had last Sunday! I want to thank you all for your participation in this unique worship service. Let me count the ways…
1. The food was great. Of course I especially loved the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern flair put in by many of you. It was a feast, and a tasty one at that. Even more—I appreciated each one of you who stepped up to the microphone to explain the love, care and creativity you put into your food item. Wasn’t it wonderful to see different people coming forward to place their item as an offering to the Lord? I heard one girl got up around 4:30 am to make those special loaves of bread for our church.
2. The round tables were great. You kept the sanctuary clean and orderly as requested…but even more so the tables were inviting and lively. I saw and experienced some great discussions with new people and long-time friends alike. And wasn’t communion around the table with real bread dipped in juice special?
3. My favorite part was gathering around the table for the last song and benediction. It was a sacred and symbolic time together as a church body.
4. The preparation and execution of this idea went well. A number of you helped with big and small parts as we tried to "anticipate the challenges" and "make room for the joys" of a meal, sermon, worship, prayer, discussion and communion in one service. As Maria said on our drive home with a smile…”well, now we know how to do it for the rest of the series!”.
I’m looking forward to this coming Sunday’s "Meals with Jesus: The Peaceful Woman”. Janet Vanderhoof is preparing some of our message—it will be fantastic. We have a few other creative ideas in the works too. See you Sunday (no need to bring any food this week, just stay for the Youth Pancake Fundraiser afterwards).
Pastor Danny
PS—July 2nd is our Mega Picnic—can you eat 5000 tacos? Details coming...