Overcomers & Overflow-ers
As I was putting the finishing work on last week’s message, I noticed something in Genesis 1:26-28 that I hadn’t seen so clearly before.
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’”
Who are we?
Beings, made in the image of God, by God.
What are we to do?
Oversee creation and overflow God’s blessings.
Oversee & Overflow - These are two of God’s functions that we are invited to join Him in.
Yes, the fall—sin severely harmed our identity as well as our calling…but through Christ we are redeemed and are to step right back into those original “being and doing” foundations. They are both ONLY to be lived out WITH God, as designed from the beginning…but lived out none the less.
How clear are you on your identity?
If you have recieved the gift of salvation through Jesus, then you are not only made in the image of God, you are adopted as a child of God. You identify is secure with all the rights, responsibilities and privileges of a citizen of heaven. Our identity is one of the top lies that Satan will try and deceive us in. Don’t forget who you are and whose you are.
How clear are you on your purpose and calling?
God made us to steward the earth and bring about His Kingdom on earth. Everyone of us, no matter how big or small, young or old, new believer or polished saint…has a responsibility and capacity to live out the way of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. As you care for animals, plants, people and other things, you serve as an overseer as originally designed.
We are the Lord’s ambassadors on earth—let’s bring His ways into our culture. Let’s care for and influence those things and people that God has put into our lives.
God actually wants to share the joy of who He is and what He does with us, the pinnacle of creation. He wants us to be like Him as overflow-ers too. As He has given to you abundantly, share that outwardly. As you are forgiven by God, forgive others. As He blesses you, release that to others. As He teaches you, encourage others with what He has given to you in the right way and the right time. The more we check in with Him, the easier it is to keep in step with His ways and His assignments for us. Pour it out.
As we grasp God’s heart to share in His joy I believe we will get a taste of the satisfaction He experiences in the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth. Enjoy the adventure.