Barley Growth!
If you were one of those who took home barley seeds as an experiment and exercise out of our In the Garden series, you are likely seeing some real growth. Maria and I spread the hillsides with the seeds and they have really…

I have to admit that giving is something I do when I feel like it—out of increase. I have been given much therefore I reciprocate. And while it is true that in our best…

Who Tends the Forest
Consider the way our circumstances inform our theology (who you believe God to be and how He is actvie in His world), or the way our theology informs our circumstances. Is our picture of God and His character shaped more by what we’ve faced or what He has said?

The Weight of Weariness
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been experiencing a growing weariness during this season. And it makes me wonder about how God actually expects us to gain His strength in weary seasons. During our staff meeting, I shared from a recent blog I wrote on Soul-Care.com called The Weight of Weariness. As we talked, our staff explored…

EDGE & OASIS February Newsletter
Hello everyone! Though the craziness seems to never end lately, I hope you and your families have had a great start to 2021 despite whatever challenges you may be facing. Speaking of challenges…

Confidence in?. . .
In my small group a while back, we got to taking about how each of us, within our different sports willingly put ourselves in situations where serious injury or death are not far-off possibilities. For some…

Ministry in the Flow
A 51 year old local professional surfer, rode the greatest west coast wave ever at Mavericks a few weeks ago…..When the wave came his way, he was ready. He paddled fast enough in the correct spot, made the steep 50’ drop, handled the difficult bottom turn and then…

God Meets Us Where We’re At
Today in Staff Devo I shared a bit about the awful suffering of Job. In many ways, our church and our culture can relate a bit more to Job’s situation nowadays, than ever before. Job experienced sickness. Loss. Isolation from friends and family. Grief. Fear. And …

Philippians 4
Philippians 4 is loaded with nuggets of truth and challenges from Paul as he writes from prison. As we were reading this chapter together as a staff we dissected the goodness of …

Good Stewards
This past Sunday, Danny preached about what it means to be good stewards of the earth. It is quite evident in many ways that humans have not …

The Rabbit Listened
Today in staff meeting, I read a children’s story that I have come to really enjoy. It is a story about a little boy and his need for someone just to listen when the blocks he was building come crashing down….

Edge & Oasis- Parent/Student Letter
This past Sunday we met in person for “Bagels” for the first time since March and it was great! We will continue to do this each Sunday from 11:00-12:00. We will be meeting outdoors for …

Edge & Oasis Parents & Students
Wow, it sure has been a while since I (Drew) have talked with some of you. The past several months have held great challenges for all of us in many different ways, but it’s been great to see our community stay connected even just through zoom, and I’m so glad that we have been able to connect with your kids in that way as much as possible too.

Worship Wednesday - Amazed
Pause for a moment, and sing alongside me as we worship together.