Shipwrecks, Storms, & a Holy Ghost

Shipwrecks, Storms, & a Holy Ghost

Are you ready for an epic adventure? The end of Acts reads like a synopsis of a blockbuster film: riots, beatings, starvation, storms, shipwrecks, pagan islands, and more. As we finish our Summer in the Spirit series, we’re also finishing the journey with the Apostle Paul. And in the midst of this, we’re considering staying mindful the activity of the Holy Spirit in the midst of our uncertain journeys.

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Begin with Waiting
Danny Wallen, Holy Spirit Guest User Danny Wallen, Holy Spirit Guest User

Begin with Waiting

Last Sunday we looked at Acts 1, in our sermon series “Summer in the Spirit”. We found that even though Jesus gave clear directives to spread the Good News locally and globally, His followers were first told to wait…their focus wasn’t on the doing, it was on the waiting…

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The Way We Give
Danny Wallen, budget Guest User Danny Wallen, budget Guest User

The Way We Give

If you’ve been around anyone in a leadership role at HSCC the past few weeks, you know the church is in “budget season". Staff are figuring out costs for plans, Deacon liaisons are connecting and submitting requests, the PLT is discussing and praying through the…

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What an Easter!
Dave Lippman, easter Dave Lippman Dave Lippman, easter Dave Lippman

What an Easter!

Can you believe it’s almost Easter Sunday already? I don’t know about you, but for me this year feels like it is flying by and in the midst of our busy life, this week we have a holiday (a holy-day) set apart for us to pause and…

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The Fear of Death
Dave Lippman, death Dave Lippman Dave Lippman, death Dave Lippman

The Fear of Death

As I’ve reflected on John chapter 11 last few weeks and I’ve been impacted by Jesus’ intentionality during His last weeks of “earthly” ministry. Of course, His earthly ministry has continued for 2,000 years, but we’re talking pre-resurrection here ;) As you may recall, we dove into the story of Lazarus (John 11) and soaked in the layers of revelation Jesus showed to His…

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Where’s My Peace?
Danny Wallen, peace Guest User Danny Wallen, peace Guest User

Where’s My Peace?

This morning I was feeling "off"…some tiredness, discouragement and the weight of the many responsibilities and cares of life. A friend shared with me a similar incident he’d had a few days earlier and captured it with…

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What Fog Reveals
Danny Wallen, Fog Guest User Danny Wallen, Fog Guest User

What Fog Reveals

A few mornings ago, we had our first really thick foggy morning. From my vantage point, a few miles inland, I could see the fog creeping up the valleys, covering the city and advancing on the forest. In the later spring and all summer into…

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