Prioritizing His Presence
What a gift to be back with you all last Sunday! It was so sweet sharing stories about…
Preparing for the Wave
Thank you to Daniel Burchell, who provided a wonderful sermon last Sunday in our Catching God’s Momentum series, called Preparing For the Wave! Daniel speaks of the metaphor of …
A Single Eye!
We interrupt this weekly digest to give you this public service announcement—our Sunday sermon was hijacked by…
Catching The Wind
As we've begun to share our new ministry vision and sermon series, Catching…
What does it mean to “Install” a Pastor?
With our Installation Worship Service this Sunday (woo hoo!), I’ve had more than a few people smirk at the…
Heavenly Interaction
Well, after a significant discussion on Jesus' Ascension this last Sunday in Equipping Hour, I’m convinced…
Only Jesus
As we’ve been going through our I Speak Jesus series, I’m in awe of the manifold ways Jesus….
Jesus Reveals Himself
As we’ve pressed into the resurrection accounts of Jesus as He meets with the disciples, I’ve been reminded…
Moving Behind The Locks
If you haven’t noticed, our I Speak Jesus series is now leading us into the passages immediately after Jesus’ resurrection—and I’m so intrigued…
In Your Weeping, Listen For His Voice
What a sweet week we just walked through. We Journeyed with Jesus to the Cross, read out loud the story of Jesus’ crucifixion at our Good Friday service, and ended a rich holy week with the touching story of …
Carried by Jesus
Amidst the hustle and bustle, there have been some profound moments this Holy Week. In particular, there has been a flurry of feedback around …
Seeing Jesus’ Powerful Heart
On the night Jesus was betrayed and arrested, in the midst of intense conflict and abandonment, Jesus reveals….
Jesus Hurt
I knew Sunday's message would be significant. It’s hard to journey with Jesus toward His cross and not stumble into…
Peace Within Your Presence
We’re in our new I Speak Jesus series, and it was so powerful as a church to…