What is Worship?
At HSCC, I’ve uniquely experienced a people who love to sing! Whether hymns or contemporary songs, whether is a familiar face leading or a guest, whether it’s in…

Waiting on God
Over the last few weeks, a new song called Wait on You has breathed new life into the posture of waiting for me. Waiting, for many of us, is an inconvenient, frustrating, and even…

Transforming Despair
This past Sunday’s message on the Father’s Faithfulness has been really helpful for me. I’ve since gone back to the scriptures to be reminded of those powerful truths. I’d like…

Do You Know George MacDonald?
It was my turn to lead staff devotions and I wanted to do something creative. Each week a different staff member leads our time to start our meetings, often confessing their…

EDGE & OASIS May Newsletter
It is already May, and I know a lot of students are counting down the days til summer vacation, which is well deserved after such a difficult school year. We have been extremely blessed to be able to walk through it with…

Overcomers & Overflow-ers
As I was putting the finishing work on last week’s message, I noticed something in Genesis 1:26-28 that I hadn’t seen so clearly before…

The Way of Change
I had two interesting experiences last week that I’d like to share about, One was at the Good Friday paddle out by the…

Learning from Quiet
Well, during our previous staff meeting, I shared a bit about Silence as a Biblical Way to connect with God in prayer. Have you consider that silence with God might be a way to engage in prayer? As a western church, we often…

Easter, Good for the Soul?
Santa Cruz County moved into the orange tier this week, so churches can now safely hold up to 50% of capacity. That means…

Hiding from the Cross
Can you believe Palm Sunday & Easter is around the corner? I don't know about you, but my experience of time has felt disoriented as we transition out of the pandemic. Almost every…

We’ re Still Singing After our Special Service
I’m still savoring our holy gathering at last Sunday’s worship service, “Songs and Stories”. It was a…

After A Week of Study Leave
I had the privilege of worshipping at home the last two Sundays as I was on Study Leave. First of all let me express my sincere gratitude to Kyle Pitchford 2/28, and Dave Lippman 3/7, for their effective preaching. They…

What Season Is It?
Jesus mentioned that we can sense the changing of the seasons by looking at the fig tree (Matt 24:32), after prophesying about the changes on earth that will precede his second coming. In that chapter He teaches that…

Five Keys for Nourishment in Weariness
As a church, we spent some specific time tackling the idea of “bone-deep” weariness…when the ache of weariness has sunk into our deep motivating capacity and caused one to despair

Disconnected Youth
I had an interesting conversation with an acquaintance the other day. He’s in his later 20’s, and moved to Santa Cruz just 6-8 months ago. He loves living in this town but is having a pretty tough time meeting people.