Offend My Mind, Reveal My Heart

Offend My Mind, Reveal My Heart

As we’ve studied the Kingdom of God, we’re asking Jesus to reveal more His continuing ministry on earth, now, in us, in our church, and, yes, even beyond our walls. And I realize we’re asking impossible things. The Kingdom of God depends on a power and a Person who is by nature...

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Unlocking The Kingdom

Unlocking The Kingdom

Imagine arriving at the front porch of a beautiful vacation rental, ready for a restful time away…You lift a unique key to that door, press it into the keyhole, turn it, it unlocks, then…

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Preparing for the Wave

Preparing for the Wave

Thank you to Daniel Burchell, who provided a wonderful sermon last Sunday in our Catching God’s Momentum series, called Preparing For the Wave! Daniel speaks of the metaphor of …

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Heavenly Interaction
Only Jesus